2nd ICAZ Taphonomy Working Group Meeting: "Taphonomy and archaeozoological research: recent approaches"

Wed, 12-09-2012; 02:00 hasta Fri, 14-09-2012; 02:00
Otras sedes

University of Cantabria, Edificio Tres Torres- Torre A , Edificio Interfacultativo. Avda. Los Castros, s/n, (Santander)

Organized by: Ana Belén Marín-Arroyo (Cantabrian International Institute for Prehistoric Research) and Marta Moreno-García (Human and Social Sciences Centre, CCHS-CSIC)
Support: University of Cantabria, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the CONSOLIDER Programme
The ICAZ TWG was created in Autumn 2009 with the aim to encourage dissemination, collaboration and interdisciplinary work in taphonomic research. Up to now, the group has more than 70 members from 20 countries and five continents. The proceedings of the successful 1st meeting held as part of 11th ICAZ International Conference in Paris 2010, have been published as a special issue of the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology.
The 2nd meeting will be hosted at the University of Cantabria with two-days of sessions of oral and poster presentations and round table discussions, followed by a one-day practical workshop on taphonomic issues proposed by the delegates. The aim of the meeting is to assemble researchers interested in taphonomy that are involved in the study of faunal remains, and to encourage both formal and informal interactions.
Deadline for abstracts: 30th May 2012.
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