CHeriScape IV. Facing Global Change through Landscape
Main Hall, Menendez Pidal 0E18 Room, 0D1 Jose Castillejo Room, 1E Gili Gaya Room, 2D Juan Cabre Room & 2E Sanchez Albornoz Room.
The fourth CHeriScape conference will look outwards towards the major environmental and social changes currently seen to be operating at global level, and at how spatial planning and sustainable and economic development strategies can interact with these through the lens of landscape. We will look at how far-reaching an impact these global changes have on both landscape and heritage, but also at how landscape as heritage offers ways to address those challenges. The conference will examine how demographic change, changing aspirations and identities, and lifestyle choices contribute to the global challenges, and therefore how (as the SPB on landscape, and both the Florence and Faro Conventions claim) they can offer answers to those challenges as well as calling for protection against them. The idea of landscape as heritage resonates with the need to give new life to cultural landscapes by finding them new functions and values, ideas central as well to the sustainability of heritage. Landscape as heritage becomes a solution.