III Congreso internacional «Guerra y sociedad en la monarquía hispánica». Política, estrategia, ejércitos, historia naval, organización y cultura militar en el mundo moderno (1500-1800)
Co-Organisers & Editors: Enrique García Hernán (IH-CSIC) & Davide Maffi
We are pleased to announce that the Third International Congress on War & Society c.1500-1800, will take place at the Institute of History of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid, from 23 to 25 April 2025. This Congress is held every ten years, and it brings together both established and emerging scholars from across the globe, whose research interests and expertise concern various aspects of military and social history. The event provides a major international forum for understanding war and warfare’s socio-economic, political, cultural, literary and strategic impact on state formation and societal development.
In maintaining tradition, our objective is to publish a high-quality edited collection of internationally peer-reviewed selected papers from the proceedings of War & Society III, with an academically accredited and internationally recognised publishing house.
We believe that your contribution would enrich the intellectual and scholarly discourse of the Congress, and we would warmly welcome your participation in War & Society III.
Further particulars may be obtained from congreso.warandsociety3@csic.es