Programa de Seminarios PIMIC 2016

Jue, 28-01-2016; 00:00 hasta Lun, 14-03-2016; 00:00

Sala Juan Cabré 2D

Seminarios organizados por el proyecto PIMIC. Power and Institution Medieval Islam and Cristendom

This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programrne for research, technologica! development and demonstration under grant agreement n 316732


PIMIC seminar series

28th January
Attilio Stela (PIMIC fellow, University of Tel Aviv)
"Orality vs. Literacy? Social Practice, Feudal Lawyers and the Problem of Normativity in the 13th-Century Italy and France"

1st February
Roger L. Martínez-Dávila (UC3M CONEX-Marie Curie Fellow, Instituto de Histografia Julio Caro Baroja, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
"Global Citizen Scholars: Crowdsourcing Discovery and Manuscript Transcription Via Massive Open Online Courses"

18th February
Graham Barrett (Oxford University)
"The Written and the World in Early Medieval Iberia"

25th February
Nicolas Perreaux (Francfort Universitat)
"European History of the Middle Ages in a Digital Area? Some experiences about Charter Databases, Churches and Historical Semantics"

3rd March
Paul Stephenson (University of Lincoln)
"The Serpent Column: A Cultural Biography"

10th March
Jitske Jasperse (Instituto de Historia, CCHS-CSIC)
"Let's Talk About Sex: A Gendered Approach to Seals and Coins"
Roberta Cimino (Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Department of History University of Nottingham)
"Royal Authority, Land and Women's Power in Northern Italy (8th-9th centuries)"

14th March
Karen Stóber (Universidad de Lérida)
"Not so Far from the Concourse of Men: Religious Houses and Urban Spaces in Medieval Catalonia"

Programa de Seminarios PIMIC 2016
Cartel-programa849.52 KB
Dpto. de Estudios Medievales
Redes de Poder en las Sociedades Medievales