Seminario PTI MEDhis: "The Portrayal of the Prophet Muhammad as Teacher in Eastern and Western Hadith and Sira Works"
Por Jens Scheiner (Geog-August-Universität Göttingen)
Sala María Zambrano 0C9 y online a través de Zoom (ver datos en cartel)
Abstract: When reading Hadith and Sira works closely one detects several traditions in which Muhammad’s teaching activities are described. These traditions from Ibn Hisham’s Sira, the six Sunni Hadith works as well as Ibn Abd al-Barr’s al-Durar will be at the core of the talk during which various features of Muhammad’s teachership will be introduced and analyzed. I will argue that this mode of Muhammad’s presentation is a major feature of classical Mashriqi and Maghribi sources, besides his depiction as prophet and statesman.
Organiza: Plataforma Temática Interdisciplinar (PTI) del CSIC Historia Social y Cultural del Mediterráneo. Contextos locales y dinámicas globales. (PTI-MEDhis).