Conferencia: "Archaeometallurgy of the Iberian Peninsula project (1982-2017)"

Mon, 23-10-2017; 00:00
Otras sedes

Por Ignacio Montero Ruiz (IH, CCHS-CSIC)

Lugar: Room 612, Institute of Archaeology, University College London (UCL)

It is not usual in Spanish archaeology to find long-term projects, except those centered on site excavations. In this case the objective of the project is focused on the role of metallurgy in the past societies. It is based not only on technological features described by the analytical techniques applied (elemental analysis, metallography, SEM and LIA) but in a theoretical framework that supports the historical interpretation of the data. A big corpus of data compiled through 35 years opens new research perspectives but also questions the comparative use of this information into a European scale.

Organiza: Institute of Archaeology (UCL)

Conferencia: "Archaeometallurgy of the Iberian Peninsula project (1982-2017)"
Dpto. de Arqueología y Procesos Sociales