Seminario del Proyecto ForSEAdiscovery: "The Adventure of The Armadas. An Historical and Archaeological Perspective"

Tue, 28-02-2017; 00:00

Sala Gómez Moreno 2C

10:00-10:30h., Ana Crespo Solana, "The ForSEAdiscovery Project: a model for study"
10:30-11:30h., Hiram Morgan, "The Armada in Ireland (1588)"
11:30-12:30h., Miguel San Claudio, "Armada wrecks in Galicia (1597)"
12:30-13:00h., Hiram Morgan, "The Santa Ana Maria wreck (1628)"
13:00-14:00h., Discussion

Organized by: Seminario de Historia Cultural, Departamento de Historia Moderna (UAM) and IH, CCHS-CSIC: ForSEADiscovery Project

Seminario del Proyecto ForSEAdiscovery: "The Adventure of The Armadas. An Historical and Archaeological Perspective"
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Dpto. de Estudios Americanos
Estudios Comparados del Caribe y Mundo Atlántico