Identities & Islam: Material Culture, Self and Society in the Pre-Modern Muslim World
Fri, 19-04-2013; 00:00 hasta Sat, 20-04-2013; 00:00
Otras sedes
Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad de Southampton (Reino Unido)
Participa en este Simposium, entre otros, María de los Ángeles Utrero Agudo (Instituto de Historia, CCHS-CSIC), con la ponencia "Architectural influences under archaeological revision: artisans and technology in the 8-10th century Hispanic churches", dentro de la sesión del día 19 de abril, de 5.05 - 6.30pm Trade and Cultural Exchange
Resumen: The border between southern Islamic al-Andalus and the northern Christian kingdoms in the 8-10th century Iberian Peninsula was still a permeable area, which allowed not only interaction between both cultures but also the movement of people, among them artisans responsible for constructions. These people transported with them architectural and sculptural knowledge, experience and ideas, making possible the transmission of building models from place to place. Hardly recorded by contemporary written sources, early medieval archaeologists have lately carried out several analyses and building recordings in different northern ecclesiastical churches, some of them belonging to the traditional so-called “Mozarabic” group, with the aim of approaching artisans and understanding those constructions as manufactured products. These works were able to start tracing not only the migration of artisans, the movement of which responded both to the demands of patrons and for particular skills, but also their qualification, the techniques employed and the innovations introduced by them. The results help one to understand the proper impact of this movement and consequent technological change and to value thus the traditional established links and influences, mainly by art historian research, between different buildings from a renewed and updated perspective.
Organiza: The University of Southampton, Faculty of Humanities, Beta-Analytic Radiocarbon Dating, y Maney Publishing

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