Workshop "Globalizing the scientific knowledge: ecology, agriculture and medicine" / Seminario "Globalizando el conocimiento cientifico: ecologia, agricultura y medicina"
Mon, 23-05-2011; 00:00
Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D
- José Luis Peset (IH, CCHS-CSIC)
- Stuart McCook (University of Guelph)
- Harro Maat (Technology & Agrarian Development, Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
- Jonathan Curry-Machado (University of London and Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
- Leida Fernández Prieto (IH-CCHS)
Responsable: Leida Fernández Prieto, Grupo de Estudios Comparados del Caribe y Mundo Atlántico (GECCMA, IH, CCHS-CSIC)

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