Summer School: "Researching non-industrial farming: A multidisciplinary approach"
Mon, 27-08-2012; 00:00 hasta Sun, 02-09-2012; 00:00
Otras sedes
Santo Adriano (Asturias, Spain)
Sponsors: CONSOLIDER-TPC - ERC (Agriwestmed Project)
Registration fee: 350€
Based on the previous experience gained from organizing two Summer Schools under the European project the EARTH (ESF), the initiative that we propose aims to provide participants with the necessary tools for studying preindustrial agriculture and animal husbandry in their social and cultural context.
This emphasis on socio-cultural aspects will allow students to delve into the historical processes that have resulted in the development of farming, from its origins, and the preservation of a rich cultural and biological heritage in some parts of Europe.
Further information: Ana Delia Rodríguez (anadelia.rodriguez [at]
Deadline for applications: April 27th, 2012

Poster8.24 MB
Call for applicants52.22 KB