Quevedo Sánchez

Redes sociales
Alejandro Quevedo is an I3 Researcher specialist in Roman pottery at the Spanish National Research Council. His research focuses on the study of the economy of the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula and trade with North Africa in Antiquity, with emphasis on the territory of present-day Algeria, from a broad diachronic perspective. He is currently a Ramón y Cajal contract researcher at the Institute of History (CSIC), where he develops his research "Hispania and central Maghreb: revealing connectivities through Roman Material Culture" (2024-2029).
After the obtention of his European PhD (University of Murcia, 2013), A. Quevedo obtained five postdoctoral contracts in international public calls on a competitive basis that allowed him to accumulate more than 4 years of research experience abroad. He undertook research at the CNRS Laboratoire d’Excellence LabexMed, Centre Camille Jullian, Aix-en-Provence, France (2013-2015) and at the Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma (EEHAR-CSIC, 2015-2017). In 2018, having obtained contracts from the Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología of the Region of Murcia and the École des Hautes Études Hispaniques et Ibériques – Casa de Velázquez (declined), he joined the University of Murcia with an exterior talent attraction contract until 2021 (SECTI - Sistema Español de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación). Among his research sojourns, of particular note is that undertaken at the Berkeley Roman Material Culture Laboratory at the University of California Berkeley (United States, 2019). In 2021 he obtained a position as Assistant Professor of Archaeology at the Complutense University of Madrid where he combined his research activity with teaching (academic years 2022 and 2023) until he joined the CSIC as a Ramón y Cajal contract researcher (2024).
The implementation of new methodological focuses and the expansion of A. Quevedo international contact network during his 8-years post-doctoral experience (2013-2021) are reflected in more than 90 scientific contributions including monographs, book chapters and articles. Among his publications, as single author or with colleagues from other institutions, stand out several high impact journals such as Antiquity, African Archaeological Review, European Journal of Archaeology, ArcheoSciences, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and international collections in Open Access such as Archaeology of the Maghreb. Alejandro Quevedo has participated in more than 30 national and international congresses and he has organised and published 2 international congresses (Spain 2013, Italy 2017). He has also directed various international seminars and excavations in several countries. The candidate has taught more than 600 hours of classes at diverse universities in Europe and the Maghreb and has participated in several Erasmus+ teaching exchanges (Switzerland, Italy, Algeria). He has supervised and continues to supervise 15 Final Degree and Final Master’s Degree projects and is co-directing 4 doctoral theses on Roman pottery at the University of Cádiz, the UNED, Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Murcia.
Since 2020 Alejandro Quevedo is Principal Researcher (PI) of several international projects: the TIPASA Project (Algeria) financed by the Ministry of Culture and the Palarq foundation; Isla del Fraile Archaeological Project (Águilas), promoted in collaboration with Águilas town council and CERAFRICS. Consumption and Exchange of Roman African Ceramics in Southeastern Spain, in collaboration with the CNRS and financed by Casa de Velázquez. In the call for Knowledge Generation 2022 projects of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spanish Government, it was awarded the TRAPHIC project. Territory, Architecture and Pottery Production: exploring relationships between Hispania and Mauretania Caesariensis (PID2022-141425NA-I00).
A fundamental part of Dr. Quevedo’s research activity is the transfer of his results to the general public through conferences, participation in events for Science popularization and collaborations in quality science magazines, short films and podcasts.
Peer-reviewed journals (among the most relevant of 2023, Open Access):
[1] Quevedo, A., Hernández García, J. D., Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, M., Mukai, T., Moreno, F. J. & Capelli, C. (2023): “Impact of trading networks on a small island at the end of Late Antiquity: Isla del Fraile”, Antiquity
[2] Quevedo, A., García-Sánchez, J., Khellaf, R. & Bensaidani, Y. (2023): “The territory of Ancient Tipasa, Algeria: Archaeological Survey, Material Culture and Connectivity in Central Maghreb”, Journal of African Archaeology, 40: p. 673-709.
[3] Quevedo, A., Mukai, T., Hernández García, J. D. & Capelli, C. (2023): "Un nuevo tipo de ánfora tardía en la isla del Fraile (Águilas, España)", Archivo Español de Arqueología, 96.:
[4] Belmabrouk, N., Bonifay, M., De Larminat, S., Hostein, A., Mokni, S., Sebaï, M., Arnaud, M., Aoudi, M., Ben Azouz, E., Ben Hmouda, S., Chérif, S., Damelet, L., Dumas, V., Golvin, J.-C., Hsini, O., Mauger, M., Mazzei, M., Mukai, T., Quevedo, A., Rêve & R., Rossetti, P. (2023): "Évolution du paysage urbain de Thaenae (Thyna) à la fin de l'Antiquité: nouvelles données sur le rempart", Antiquités Africaines, 59, p. 157-189.
[5] Khellaf, R., Quevedo, A., Bensaidani, Y., Castillo Alcántara, G., Fernández Díaz, A. & García Sánchez, J. (2023): "Tipasa -Carthago Nova: relaciones hispano-mauritanas a través de la pintura mural", Lucentum, 42, p. 163-176.
Books (among the most relevant):
[1] Amraoui, T. & A. Quevedo [eds.] (2022): D’une rive à l’autre: Circulations et échanges entre la Maurétanie Césarienne et le sud-est de l’Hispanie (Antiquité-Moyen Âge), Archaeology of the Maghreb, 4, Archaeopress, Oxford. . ISBN 978-1-80327-414-0.
[2] Aquilué, A. & Quevedo, A. (2021): Tusculum VI. La fuente arcaica de Tusculum. Intervenciones arqueológicas de los años 1996-2000, Serie Arqueológica 16, EEHAR – CSIC, Roma. ISBN 978-84-00-10782-6.
[3] Quevedo, A. (2015): Contextos cerámicos y transformaciones urbanas en Carthago Nova (s. II-III d.C.), Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery, 7, Archeopress, Oxford. ISBN: 978-1-78491-054-9.
[4] Brassous, L. & Quevedo, A. [eds.] (2015): Urbanisme civique en temps de crise. Les espaces publics d’Hispanie et de l’Occident Romain entre le IIe et le IVe siècle, Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, 149, Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-9096-010-3.
[1] Ref. PID2022-141425NA-I00. Title: TRAPHIC: Territory, Architecture and Pottery production: exploring relationships between Hispania and Mauretania Caesariensis. Participation: Principal Investigator (with Jesús García Sánchez). Financed by: Ministry of Science and Innovation “Generation of Knowledge” Call 2022. Funding: 121.152€. Date: 2024-2026.
[2] Title: CERAFRICS: Consumption and Exchange of Roman African Ceramics in Southeastern Spain. Financed by: Casa de Velázquez, 8.000€. Participation: Principal Investigator (with Dr. Myriam Sternberg, CNRS). Date: 2022-2024.
[3] Ref. (T002020N0000045517). Title: TIPASA. Ocupación, producción y relaciones de interdependencia en el territorio de una ciudad africana durante la Antigüedad (Algeria). Financed by: Ministerio de Cultura (Spain), 13.518,56€ and Fundación Palarq, 5.000€ per year since 2020. Participation: Principal Investigator. Date: 2020-Nowadays.
[4] Title: Proyecto de investigación arqueológica Isla del Fraile. Financed by: Águilas town Council, 10.000€ (per year) and crow-funding 13.000€. Participation: Principal Investigator. Date: 2020-Nowadays.
Science dissemination (among the most recent):
[1] [Photographic exhibition] Tipasa: una mirada arqueológica a la costa de Argelia “El Proyecto TIPASA. Investigaciones arqueológicas en la costa de Argelia” at the headquarters of the Instituto Cervantes in Algiers (April 2023) and Oran (December 2023).
[2] [Podcast] Quevedo, A. & García Sánchez (2023): “El amenazado patrimonio de Tipasa, en Argelia”, Desenterrando el pasado, National Geographic, Spotify.…
[3] [Invited lecture, A. Quevedo] “El Proyecto TIPASA. Investigaciones arqueológicas en la costa de Argelia”, Arqueología en el exterior III. Ciclo de conferencias, National Archaeological Museum, Madrid, January 2024.
[4] [Dissemination article] Quevedo, A. & Khellaf, R. (2022): “Investigaciones arqueológicas en el yacimiento argelino de Tipasa”, National Geopgrahic Historia, 227.
[5] [Scientific outreach short film] 2022, 9.15 min, spanish/arabic. TIPASA Project. Desvelando la Arqueología de la Argelia romana,
[6] [Invited lecture, A. Quevedo] "¡Otra ronda! Las ánforas y el comercio de vino en época romana", Tríada mediterrània a l'Eivissa antiga, Museu arqueològic d'Eivissa i Formentera (MAEF), June 2022, Ibiza.
[7] [Dissemination article] Quevedo, A. & Hernández García, J. D. (2021): “Ánforas, una necrópolis y la casa de un espía. Los últimos descubrimientos en las excavaciones de la isla del Fraile”, National Geopgrahic Historia,…