Sastre Prats

Inés Sastre is Senior Researcher (Investigadora Científica) in the Institute of History of the Spanish National Research Council, and chair of the “Social structure and territory: landscape archaeology” research group. She received her PhD with High Distinction in Ancient History from Universidad Complutense (November 1999) under the direction of Prof. Domingo Plácido. She performed her postdoctoral training at University of Perugia (Italy), under the supervision of Prof. Filippo Coarelli.
Inside the CSIC group she has developed novel interpretations of the historical process that occurred in the Hispanic Northwest from pre-Roman times to the 2nd Century AD, particularly regarding social inequality and change from a landscape archaeology perspective. Two types of new approaches are tested. On the one hand, the interpretation of Roman provincial society as eminently rural and tributary, which explains the peculiarities of the archaeological and epigraphic records. On the other hand, the vision of that rural society as different from pre-Roman castro society, which is segmentary agrarian in nature.
Datos tomados de la base de datos ConCiencia