Lucena Giraldo

Senior Scientist
Dept. of American Studies
Comparative Studies of Caribbean and Atlantic World (GECCMA)
916022456 / Extensión interna: 441259

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Manuel Lucena-Giraldo is Research Scientist in the Spanish Council for Scientific Research and Associate Professor in IE Business School/IE University. He was Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, Lecturer BOSP in Stanford University and Visiting Professor at Tufts University (Boston), Javeriana University (Colombia), IVIC (Venezuela), Colegio de Mexico, University of the Andes (Chile and Colombia) and St. Antony´s College (Oxford). He was Education Attaché in the Spanish Embassy in Colombia and held foreign education positions. He was representative of the CSIC at the European Science Foundation, COST network manager and research project advisor at the Carolina Foundation. His publications include a number of books on travels, scientific expeditions, cities,  images of nations, empires or globalization. He is co-author of The Oxford Illustrated History of the World; Professor of writing (non-fiction) in Penguin Random House School; Assistant Editor in Culture & History;  Member of the board of Revista de Occidente and the Advisory Committee of "National Geographic" in Global History. He is a corresponding member of  the Colombian Academy of History and  the Royal Academy of History from Spain. He takes part in the  Section Committee of History & Archaeology of the European Academy and the Board of Directors of Hispania Nostra.

Specialization field
History; History of America; American Studies

    Datos tomados de la base de datos ConCiencia

    Lucena Giraldo, Manuel (2020). """Foreseeing what great occasions might come"". American independence and Spanish navy reformers". En Spain and the American Revolution. New Approaches and Perspectives (pp. 91-99). Editorial: Routledge / Taylor & Francis Group.
    manuel lucena giraldo (2017). La fabricación de Alejandro de Humboldt. En Viajeros e Independencia: la mirada del otro (pp. 49-77). Editorial: Fondo editorial congreso del Perú.
    KENNETH NYBERG; MANUEL LUCENA GIRALDO (2018). Lives of useful curiosity: the global legacy of Pehr Lo ¿ fling in the long eighteenth century. En Linnaeus, natural history and the circulation of knowledge (pp. 211-235). Editorial: Voltaire Foundation.
    Manuel Lucena Giraldo (2019). Renaissances, Reformations, and Mental Revolutions: Intellect and Arts in the Early Modern World. En The Oxford Illustrated History of the World (pp. 272-305). Editorial: Oxford University Press (OUP).
    Manuel Lucena Giraldo (2019). The Last of the First? Madness and the Jungle in the Chronicles of the Indies: Lope de Aguirre and His Writing. En Firsting in the Early-modern Atlantic World (pp. 50-64). Editorial: Routledge / Taylor & Francis Group.
    Manuel Lucena Giraldo, editor científico (2018). Atlas de los exploradores españoles (pp. 320). GeoPlaneta/ Grupo Planeta.
    Manuel Lucena Giraldo (2016). Extremo occidente. Ensayos sobre la ciudad hispana en la primera globalización (pp. 132). Planeta Colombiana -Crítica.